
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Executive Principal's Welcome

I am delighted to introduce myself as the Executive Principal of Oasis Academy, Isle of Sheppey. This is a school that is on a truly exciting journey towards becoming a great school. 

As a rapidly improving school, we recognise the continuous work necessary to increase pupils' academic progress and attendance, as we strive to meet and exceed national standards. Thus, our expectations around pupils' conduct and work ethics are high.   

I am supported by a dedicated team of leaders, teachers and support staff, and collectively we have high aspirations of ourselves and for all of our pupils.

Our Academy is based on the foundations of the Oasis Community Learning ethos whereby all our pupils are treated as unique individuals, as they grow and develop to become the best versions of themselves. We aim for every young person to be effectively skilled and qualified and ready for their next destinations.

Oasis Academy, Isle of Sheppey, is on an exciting journey and we look forward to working with you to ensure your children achieve the success they deserve.

Andy Booth,
Executive Principal


You have rightly given top priority to promoting pupils’ reading skills and literacy across all subjects... Your higher expectations can also be seen in the school’s new systems to improve pupils’ emotional resilience and behaviour

Ofsted, July 2021