
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Frequently Asked Questions Sixth Form

Frequently Asked Questions:

Am I allowed to change subjects? There is a three week window for this change in Year 12. Be aware they must fit into the ‘option blocks’. Speak to the Sixth Form team if you are considering dropping or changing a subject. Please be aware that all students must study three A Level subjects (or equivalent).

What are Independent Study sessions? These are the periods on your timetable where you are not in a taught lesson. They are to be spent in the study area, completing work of your choice. You should be using all of your Independent Study periods for studying.

How are students monitored? Students will be monitored by their teachers with fortnightly assessment points to track your academic progress. Teachers will also be regularly meeting/communicating with the Sixth Form team to discuss progress, attitude to learning and conduct, so that any intervention needed can be put in place where required.

Are GCSE re-sit (Maths/English Language) compulsory? Yes, if you achieved a Grade 3. There will be compulsory support lessons put in place for this and non-attendance will be treated as truancy, as with any other lesson during the school day. You will need to schedule in revision for these re-sit examinations.

Can Sixth Form student use mobile phones at school? Students should not be using mobile phones in lessons; only if a teacher requires them to for a specific activity. Music via headphones can be listened to for Independent Study periods.

Can students park or smoke at school? There is no parking for students on school site and smoking anywhere on or near the school site (including the school gates) is prohibited.

How many hours should I be studying per week outside of class? At a MINIMUM, you should be spending 8-10 hours per week studying OUTSIDE of the classroom (Independent Study periods/at home in the evenings).

Am I allowed a part-time job while in the Sixth Form? Yes, but you cannot begin shifts before 4pm. You may be required to remain in school by a member of staff, as per your Sixth Form contract. Please also ensure you do NOT exceed 10 hours of employment per week as this will disrupt your study.

Are there sanctions in Sixth Form? Yes, there are a range of reports in place that address various issues; these include Subject Reports, Attendance Reports and Head of Sixth Form Reports.

Is there support in place to help me adapt to Sixth Form? The move from GCSE to Sixth Form is substantial. We will help you create a feasible study schedule to map your time. Teachers have also created materials to help you with additional study tasks once homework is complete. We also have a team to support you with well-being if you struggle with the transition or at any point throughout your journey with us.

Is there a tutor programme available in Sixth Form? Yes, we have a team of tutors, who will be allocated to your tutor group each morning. You will complete assigned Tutor programmes that will address character-building, well-being and essential skills and qualities for life after Sixth Form! You will also compete against other groups in inter-group quizzes and receive topical assemblies in line with the wider Academy. Attendance to morning Tutor time is compulsory and you must be punctual with gates locked at 8.25am.

Are there additional roles for me to get involved with, within the Sixth Form? Yes, we will have a Student Voice team and Sixth Form Social Committee/Societies that are not only enjoyable, but a fantastic asset for your CV or UCAS application!

Where can students go in Sixth Form? Due to the current Covid-19 measures students are not allowed off site during the school day. This is temporary measure and will be reviewed regularly. Students have dedicated use of the Sheerness building and shared use of the Refectory.

What Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is available at school?  Students will have access to the Unifrog platform allowing them to research careers, universities and apprenticeship options.  We are also able to offer support and guidance for apprenticeships and university applications. All teachers, tutors and the Sixth Form Team will be working to support careers and pathways planning.

Do I have a uniform code in Sixth Form? There is a dress code policy – this is smart office wear, further information on our website. To maintain safeguarding students will also need to wear their lanyard which should be visible at all times during the school day.

Attendance We expect our students to have 96% and above attendance, students who fall below this will be placed on Attendance Report. Any planned absence must be notified in advance to Sixth Form Team.