Life in the Sixth Form
Pastoral Care
Sixth Form students have dedicated Sixth Form Academic Tutors who are responsible for small groups of students. Tutors monitor the progress of students and are the first point of contact for advice and support on academic and other issues. Tutors regularly review attendance, punctuality and behaviour.
Sixth Form students are role models for younger students and are expected to fully contribute to the life of the Academy.
Study Expectations
- Minimum of 10 hours of study per week, outside the classroom
- Use Private Study periods for focused, quiet work
- Use the library for silent work
- In lessons, be engaged and focused
- Meet all deadlines
The table below shows the correlation between grades achieved and hours spent studying outside of class per week:
We have high expectations around punctuality and attendance. Students who attend lessons pass their courses. The Sixth Form day begins at 8.30am and 4.00 pm. Anytime before or between scheduled lessons should be used for independent study, lesson preparation or volunteering around the school.
Should students be absent for any reason, it is essential that parents let us know via email or a phone call. Family holidays, driving lessons, doctor's appointments or similar engagements should be arranged out of school hours so that students do not miss out on any of their learning.
A minimum of 96% attendance is expected. We see attendance as a sign of a student's commitment. Students whose attendance is consistently below 96% and failing to engage with their learning may have their place revoked.
Please contact Miss Kempt to report absence on
Part-time jobs
Students should not spend more than 10 hours per week in their part-time jobs.
Shifts must not begin before 4.15pm as per their Sixth Form contract.
Students need to be available to remain in school until 4pm each day, if required for revision sessions, workshops or due to missed deadlines.
With our extensive network of community links Sixth Form students are able to enhance their CV's and make a difference to other people's lives by becoming involved in voluntary projects such as our award-winning Dementia Cafe, Peer Mentoring, and working with the NHS.
The Academy also runs a huge primary outreach programme for our Island Primary Schools and there are always opportunities for Sixth Form students to support staff in community events.
As part of the Oasis family of Academies there are, of course, many opportunities to serve communities wider afield in the UK as well as overseas.
Parent/Guardian Role
As a parent/guardian you can also play a pivotal role:
- Check school emails regularly- if staff have a concern, or positive feedback, this is likely to be emailed to you OR informed via a phone call. Other important information will also be sent via email.
- Monitor engagement at home- Students should be completing work at home- even if homework is all complete, they will have ‘Independent Study’ activities that they can engage with that are self-directed. There is no such thing as “I have done everything”. For your information, Independent Study Activities include:
- Reading over class notes and consolidating these into revision notes
- Creating summary maps of content
- Creating their own quiz-questions on topics
- Using ‘Revision Task’ sheets provided by teachers
- Trying past examination questions on sheets provided by teachers
- Monitor part-time job hours- Ensure these are within the 10-hour maximum per week.
- Emotional support- It can be a stressful two years- tensions can run high, so support and patience will be needed at times
- Encouragement- Even acknowledging the small, positive changes can make a big difference for their confidence
- Communication with staff- just as we will pass on our concerns, please do inform us if you have any worries or concerns
- Attendance to Information Evenings & Parents Evenings- There will be a range of meetings held throughout the two years- attendance is encouraged and you will be notified of when these will be.